The mission of the ITFCEH is to enhance the efforts of the world community in protecting children from environmental contamination resulting from industrial activities. The first priority will be to address problems in the former Soviet Union (countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia) where issues of children's environmental health are especially serious.
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International Task Force
International Task Force
ITFCEH has been created as international non-profit organization and will be chaired by Dr. Andrey Korchevskiy (USA).
Visit our web-site dedicated to the problem of environmental lead contamination in Shymkent, South Kazakhstan:
International Task Force for Children's Environmental Health (ITFCEH) is not an affiliation of any religious organization or church. ITFCEH has nothing to do with spiritual movement SHARE International Foundation. The members of the Task Force are surprised that in some sources it was mentioned along with Dr. Creme's activities. ITFCEH is an open group of scientists and engineers that helps communities to protect children from environmental hazards. We consider it a right thing to do, and we are confident that together we will achieve our goals. We share our knowledge and experience with people in developing and developed world, but it does not mean that we are affiliated with every entity using the word “share” in its name.
Great news!
The President of American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Allen K. Fleeger, CIH, CSP, and the AIHA Board of Directors announced that the International Task Force for Children’s Environmental Health (ITFCEH) has been selected to receive the 2012 Outstanding Project Team Award.
This achievement was recognized during the Volunteer Recognition Ceremony and Reception at AIHce. The ceremony was held Tuesday, May 21st from 5:30 - 7 p.m. in Fairmont, The Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Joilet Room.
The ITFCEH considers this award as an acknowledgment of its long-term efforts to reduce lead poisoning of children in Kazakhstan, and also of a successful collaboration with AIHA to prepare a reference document regarding lead poisoning in the former Soviet Union.
The ITFCEH is honored to express an appreciation and gratefulness to all its members, and to the partnering organizations, C&IH, Inc. and SHARE International, for their invaluable support and cooperation.
Andrey Korchevskiy, Ph.D.

Children are usually the most vulnerable population exposed to environmental hazards.
Throughout the world - in both developing and developed countries - millions of children are affected by environmental contamination through dangerous air emissions, hazardous discharges into water supplies, and poisonous substance entrainment into soil and dust.
In many former Soviet Union and other countries there is no reliable information about contaminated territories and no preventative measures to protect children.
Children exposed to environmental contamination, especially at an early age, develop permanent disabilities that may also be passed to subsequent generations.
Effective methods and approaches to treat and/or cure children with symptoms attributed to environmental poisoning are underdeveloped.
International collaboration towards protecting children from environmental health exposures is scarce.
Almost no funds are available from international environmental and health organizations to support efforts towards protecting children from environmental health exposures.
President of AIHA Allan Fleeger handles Outstanding Project Team Award to ITFCEH in Montreal, Canada. May, 2013
Andrey Korchevskiy, James Rasmuson and Alf Fishbein will represent ITFCEH at the 7th International Conference on Children's Health and the Environment 20-22 November 2013 in Jerusalem, Israel.